Rusty lake hotel is my favourite game off all time!It's all about 5 guests visiting a hotel that has 5 dinners for every night Mr.Crow says and i quoit "We will be having five dinners make sure everyone is worth dying for." Which means we have to kill every single quest each night.The first night for me was Mr.Boar for his menu we have to get TOMATOES,RED WINE and BOAR RIBS.Next up is Mr.Deer for him we have to get MUSHROOMS,DEER MEAT and ROSEMARY.After him we have Ms.Pheasant she loves modeling and taking photos for her we need WHITE WINE,PHEASANT BREAST and THYME.Next up we have Mrs.Pigeon she loves relaxing in the bath in order for us to kill her we need to electrocute her and out of that we get POTATOES,PIGEON MEAT and BLACKBERRIES and last but not least we have Mr.Rabbit he is a magician witch loves playing tricks on you after killing him we get A CARROT,RABBIT LEG and WHITE BEANS.After completing your quest you go to the secret locked room where we see Mr.Owl he explains some stuff and the game ends.This is all apart of our journey.


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